SEA GULL BRAND Refine Muscle & Joint Relief Capsule

SEA GULL BRAND Refine Muscle & Joint Relief Capsule

SEA GULL BRAND Refine Muscle & Joint Relief Capsule

  • $39.50

Sea Gull Brand Refine Muscle & Joint Relief Capsule is specifically formulated and improved based on a very successful chinese herbal prescription.

Helps to relief arthralgia due to wind-dampness, muscle and joints discomfort or pain due to poor circulation of the qi and blood.

Actions: Move qi and activate blood, resolve stasis to free the collateral vessels, diffuse impediment to relieve pain.

Indications: For arthralgia due to wind-dampness, for shoulder pain, pain in the waist and knees, numbness in the limbs due to poor circulation of the qi and blood.

Dosage: Consume 4 capsules each time, twice daily with warm water.

Contraindication: Not to be consumed during pregnancy.

Side Effect: Not known.

